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Battlefield System


Schedules and Rewards
The event is automatic and takes place on the following days: Monday at 8:00 pm and Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8:00 pm.
A teleport will open in Thais' depot, and will remain open for 10 minutes. When the 10 minutes of waiting are up, the teleport will close and the time for the stones to disappear will be 2 minutes. They are formed by two teams, the "Black Assassins" and the "Red Barbarians". The system aims to kill everyone on the enemy team, and the surviving participants from the winning team will receive the reward.

The winning team will all receive 500k XP.
2 days Premium
2 Silver Coins
10 Bar of Gold
Bar of gold can be exchanged for addon items, at the npc above thais dp.
Welcome to the server!

Top 5 Experience

1 - Lilo Fan
   Level: (896)
   Elder Druid
2 - Tw Tv Telewizjatibia
   Level: (803)
   Elder Druid
3 - Royal Corn
   Level: (741)
   Royal Paladin
4 - Syn Deja
   Level: (694)
   Royal Paladin
5 - Hendrikje
   Level: (590)
   Royal Paladin

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