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SnowBall WAR

Your players will have fun in an exciting snowball fight match. The main objective of the event is to knock out the maximum number of players during a match - by throwing snowballs at your enemies. The highest scorer at the end of the round will be the winner. See the image on the side where the teleport will open in the temple of Thais to enter the event.
(Click on the image to enlarge.)

The event will run every weekday at 08:30, 11:00, 16:00 and 00:00 hours.
There will be only three winners, the three who score the most points, the prizes are:
Prizes:1 - 20 Bar of Gold and 70 Crystal Coins
2 - 15 Bar of Gold and 50 Crystal Coins
3 - 10 Bar of Gold and 30 Crystal Coins

# Descricao
Throw Command "!snowball throw", throws 1 snowball at your opponent.
In-game info Command "!snowball info", shows the amount of snowballs you have and your amount of points. It also shows the current ranking of the event.
Reload Go to the center of the event map and reload by clicking on the generator.

Bar of Gold & NPC Mega Events
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Bar of Gold
See how you can use the currency Bar of Gold.
Welcome to the server!

Top 5 Experience

1 - Lilo Fan
   Level: (896)
   Elder Druid
2 - Tw Tv Telewizjatibia
   Level: (803)
   Elder Druid
3 - Royal Corn
   Level: (741)
   Royal Paladin
4 - Syn Deja
   Level: (694)
   Royal Paladin
5 - Hendrikje
   Level: (590)
   Royal Paladin

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